Thursday, October 22, 2009

what I <3, what I h8, and other news in my life.

the "other news in my life" part.
today in government class, I have a huge test.

the "what I <3, what I h8" part.
what I <3:
movies: city of ember, HP, journey to the center of the earth, and close encounters of the third kind.
books: any.
singers/bands: ELO, ABBA, enya, Aly and AJ, STYX, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and a LOT more. :P
Best Friends: basically anyone and everyone.
Food: mashed potatoes, mushrooms (yum), ice cream, lasagne, eggs, my mom's cinamon rolls.

my h8s:
Movies: Twilight. (haven't seen it, but the whole "twilight craze" drives me insane.), disturbia. Never Back Down.
Books: none!
Singers/Bands: I really dislike bands/people who sing/talk? rap.
Food: umm... olives, tomatoes, cooked spinache, brussel sprouts, ostrich.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE Journey to the Centre of the Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D