My name is Angela. I am a fifteen year old scholar. I have been homeschooled my entire life, and I am the eldest of six children- I have three sisters and two brothers.
I have quite a few hobbies, including, but not exempt to, knitting, writing, playing piano, reading, Girl Scouts, and letterboxing. I'm the author of one novel, one novella, and coauthor of another novel. None of my books are published, yet, but you can find the beginning of one of them at my blog here.
If there's anything else you want to know about me, so long as it isn't in the realms of SS ("Super Stalkerish"), you can probably find it somewhere in my blog.
Real quick disclaimer: Not all my posts are going to be very interesting for my readers. Just because it's up there for everyone to read doesn't mean you have to read it. Case and point: my Girl Scout posts. Even I admit that those are as dull as... Well... something dull. According to some people, I actually DO have some good posts in there somewhere, but I'm just saying that not all of them are of the fascinating quality that I hope to achieve for all my posts eventually.
Another disclaimer: I am a teenager, and as such, some of my writing/speech habits will follow along with the trends of today... If you notice too many "like"s, too many "you know" and "whatever"s... Please keep your grammatical corrections to yourself. I'm just a poor teenager. ;)
(if you would like to view my actual profile, and therefore gain access to my other blogs, you can find it here.)
To contact me:
Email me here
Find me on twitter (not that I ever go there) my username is mygamemyrules42 (name soon to be changed.. heh...)