Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm back from Minnesota

so, I'm back. I'll post pictures when I can. right now, though, I'm posting this, painting my toenails, and listening Jordin Spark's one step at a time. how are you peoples anyway? I listened to Abarat on tape again. Now I'll have dig up Days of magic, nights of war, the second book (we have it on tape) and listen it. They are both really good. They are about a 15 year old girl, named Candy. :D can't say more. you'll have to read it for yourself. well, thats about it. bye!


Jinx Grand said...

welcome back! hope you had a good time!

Simple Abstract

Amber Kirk-Ford said...

Yay, you're back! What was it like?

Anonymous said...

I love Abarat and the sequel (cbb writing the whole title). The covers are gorgeous with the title looking the same upside down. Very clever :)