Thursday, July 12, 2012

I Wrote New Words!

There's this song we were taught at camp.
It goes a little like this song:

Only, for the chorus, we sung "The window, the window, the second story window, high low low high, he/she/it threw it/her/he out the window!".

I'm also supposed to be learning the processes of Mitosis and Meiosis reallllly well.
And here they are. :)
(And yes, they're a little off. But I had to write what the different stages were, and this was as good as I've gotten them so far.)

Interphase is the start, when chromatin is doubled. Chromosones are sistered up, the start of the...

Meiosis. Meiosis. I need to know meiosis. Haploid cells, haploid cells, are created by meiosis.

Prophase One is complex, and tetrads cross right over. The nucleoli disappear as the spindle forms, oh...

Meiosis, meiosis, I need to know meiosis. Haploid cells, haploid cells, are created by meiosis.

Metaphase One is the time when tetrads are aligned. Preparing to divide, yes, ready to divide for...

Meiosis, meiosis, I need to know meiosis. Haploid cells, haploid cells, are created by meiosis.

Anaphase One leads to the divison of the tetrads. Chromosones are still sistered up, part of the...

Meiosis, meiosis, I need to know meiosis. Haploid cells, haploid cells, are created by meiosis.

Telophase One leads to the splitting of the cell. Cytokinesis creates a furrow to continue with...

Meiosis, meiosis, I need to know meiosis. Haploid cells, haploid cells, are created by meiosis.

Prophase Two moves chromosones with a new spindle. Da da da, da da da da, to help with the...

Meiosis, meiosis. I need to know meiosis. Haploid cells, haploid cells, are created by meiosis.

In Metaphase Two chromoses align like in mitosis, chromosones point to different poles ready to divide. Oh...
Meiosis, meiosis. I need to know meiosis. Haploid cells, haploid cells, are created by meiosis.

Anaphase Two seperates the sister chromatids. Na na na, na na na na, part of the...

Meiosis, meiosis. I need to know meiosis. Haploid cells, haploid cells, are created by meiosis.

Teophase Two and cytokinesis create the final cells. To finish up with four cells it's time to end...

Meiosis, meiosis, I need to know meiosis. Haploid cells, haploid cells, are created by meiosis.

There you go. Now you have a song all about the different stages of meiosis! :D You're welcome. 

1 comment:

Veela Cat said...

Wow. That's really special.