haven't posted for a while, sorry,
today we were studying Japan, and we did fish art. we had to paint a fish, and press it onto paper to make a print. it was really gross because it seemed like it was looking at you.... ewww. I did it, and all I could say was
"this doesn't give me joy. this really doesnt give me joy. ewwwwwwwwwww!" anyway, it looks alright, but still. ewwww. and my piece of paper was thinner than my sibling's.
If I'm not freaking you out, I'm not doing my job! Love ya! mom.
ew..... at least it probably looked ok-good so thats good. but yea, i would've been like uhhhhh.ewwww. NO! *runsaway*
I've done that before, it was SO GROSS! But I did it, and it came out ok! Eeew, I wouldn't do it again though!
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